New Craft Stories

Monnai Goes from Dream to Delivery in 90 Days, Across 11 Countries.

Incubyte catalyzed Monnai's journey, launching a revolutionary fintech solution across 1 1 countries in just three months.
Project Type
New Software Craft
Monnai aimed to redefine how financial industries leverage consumer insights by providing over 500+ standardized data points accessible globally, vastly surpassing the limitations of traditional tools that used outdated data and were restricted by geographic boundaries. In partnership with Incubyte, Monnai embarked on a mission to develop and launch a cutting-edge fintech product designed to meet the modern needs of global markets.
Months for Go Live
Automatically Tested
Funding Raised in One Year

The Opportunity

With the fintech sector valued at USD 112.5 billion in 2021, the landscape was primed for innovation. Existing decision-making tools in the market were plagued by outdated, fragmented data, providing limited insights and lacking cross-border functionality. Monnai recognized an immense opportunity to dramatically improve how financial services access and utilize consumer data, aiming to implement a solution that would offer comprehensive, real-time insights on a global scale.

What We Did

Incubyte’s approach to bringing Monnai's vision to life involved a multifaceted strategy emphasizing rapid development and scalable solutions:

Technical Foundation:

We began with a blank slate, rapidly setting up a robust cloud infrastructure focused on high availability, performance, and security. This foundation allowed us to support Monnai’s ambitious API-driven business model right from the start.

Development Strategy:

Adopting a "walking skeleton" approach, we developed minimal, deployable versions of the software with just enough functionality to begin the product life cycle while ensuring smooth deployments. This strategy was crucial for early testing and iterative development.

Quality Assurance:

We implemented a rigorous regimen of Test-Driven Development (TDD) complemented by Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) to enhance collaboration among developers, analysts, and QA specialists. This proactive test strategy ensured high code coverage and facilitated a seamless evolution of the architecture.

Automation and Scalability:

Extensive automation was used to handle operations such as builds, deployments, and database versioning from the outset. Infrastructure automation, managed through Terraform, significantly reduced the risk of human error and streamlined the deployment processes, allowing for rapid scaling and maintenance without downtime.

The Outcome

Monnai’s collaboration with Incubyte catalyzed significant achievements that reshaped their market standing:

Global Launch and Integration: The product was successfully launched in 11 countries within three months, supported by integrations with 17 major data partners, which extended its functionality and market reach.

Funding and Growth: The innovative approach and rapid market entry helped Monnai secure $6.5 million in funding during the first year, facilitating further development and expansion.

Sustainable Development: The project's focus on best practices and automation not only enhanced product quality but also maintained high team morale, fostering an environment ripe for continuous innovation and growth.

*All the metrics in this case study are accurate as of the time of publishing.

"Their focus on best practices ensured that our product continued to evolve rapidly while we build our internal team in parallel. The well written code also made onboarding internal engineers smooth. They stood out as an agency that focused heavily on quality in addition to just getting things done."
Ravish Patel
Co-Founder, Monnai

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